Final three prove talent – Metro US

Final three prove talent

We’re down to the final three and though the remaining competitors are each strong singers, it’s time to blow viewers away.

With three songs and three chances to prove why they deserve a shot at the title of American Idol, David Archuleta, Syesha Mercado and David Cook were all on an equal playfield. None of them slam dunked all three songs, and in my books were each tied with two solid performances.

Round one was a judges’ choice. Archuleta took on Paula Abdul’s choice of Billy Joel’s And So It Goes, and as usual his voice was amazing.

Randy Jackson gave Mercado If I Ain’t Got You by Alicia Keys, which was a great decision. Not only did Mercado deliver it well, but she is just a brilliant singer with a powerful set of vocals.

Simon Cowell’s pick for Cook was a brilliant one, and Cook was up for the challenge and passed with flying colours. Cook made The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face by Roberta Flack his own, literally. This guy is gutsy and ballsy, and not afraid to take a risk.

Round two saw the competitors choose something they wanted to sing, and it was nothing phenomenal for any of them.

Round three was a producer’s selection. And this was where they all succeeded again.

Though Archuleta doesn’t take any chances, never does anything daring when he gets up on stage, he is a phenomenal singer. Dan Fogelberg’s Longer wasn’t much of a challenge but it was right up his ally.

Hit Me Up by Gia Farrell was Mercado’s third song, and overall it was great.

As for Cook’s performance of Aerosmith’s I Don’t Want To Miss A Thing, he was in his element. There’s no doubt Cook will leave this show, winner or not, and end up with a long lasting career.