Glee-fully looking forward to the second season – Metro US

Glee-fully looking forward to the second season

Glee creator Ryan Murphy isn’t shy when it comes to spilling details about the series’ second season — which airs on Global in September.

Big-name musicians are still clamouring to have their music on the show
“I got a mix tape from Paul McCartney a couple weeks ago,” Murphy admitted. “I thought I was being punked. It was two CDs and it said, ‘Hi, Ryan. I hope you would consider some of these songs for Glee,’ and then it said ‘Paul.’ It had these huge songs [on it]. I know that he is a fan of the show and just admires and loves that it’s about art education. We are going to do something with him.”

Don’t expect Glee: The College Years anytime soon
“We’ve sort of mapped out the first four years with our original cast,” Murphy said. “But I think, you know, we have an obligation to be true to the high school experience. I don’t want to do a thing where we wake up and episode five is five years in the future and they’re all living in the same condo complex.”

But there’s room for original music in Season Two, as well
“We are going to have an original-music episode,” Murphy said. “The assignment will be for the [actors] to write their own music. And we’re talking to some great songwriters —and, of course, we’ll be working with Adam [Anders, Glee music producer] on who those people will be.”

Britney Spears gets a tribute episode
“We’re going to do the Britney Spears [tribute episode] in a very unusual way,” Murphy teased. “My favorite thing about the Britney Spears thing is [star] Matt Morrison was asked if we were doing it, and he said, ‘Oh, I hope not.’ So the entire episode is him saying ‘No, we’re not doing Britney Spears.’”

Sue Sylvester may be heading to a bookstore near you
“We’re going to have Jane Lynch’s character, Sue Sylvester, write her own autobiography,” Murphy explained, referencing tie-ins to the series. “Then [we’ll have] Jane on the show as Sue talk about, ‘My book’s almost finished,’ and then hopefully go out on a little bit of book tour and sign as Sue Sylvester.”