Going green and staying frugal – Metro US

Going green and staying frugal

Going green doesn’t mean you need to trade in your 2003 Ford for a shiny new $30,000 hybrid. Many green choices are simple and won’t squeeze your bank account.

Reducing consumption of non-environmentally friendly products is a step towards going green and saving money. Homemade foods reduce packaging and are healthier than foods that are preserved in salt and other chemicals. Try paring down purchases so you won’t over consume.

Shop for fewer fresh groceries more often, so that less produce goes rotten. Take your own fabric bags and try to take public transit, carpool, walk, run, bike, or inline skate to the store instead. Save on utility bills by washing laundry in cold water. On cold days, turn the temperature down a few degrees, or on hot days, reduce the air conditioning in your house.

Reusing and maintaining products extends their life and reduces waste. Consider buying quality used mechanical goods like lawnmowers, vacuums, appliances and cars. Consider selling or handing down clothing, furniture, computers, televisions, and other electronics to family, friends, and neighbours.

Contributing to a cleaner environmental future is everyone’s responsibility. Start by making small changes to your daily consumption habits — choose cleaner, greener and cheaper options.