Halfway house addresses area concerns – Metro US

Halfway house addresses area concerns

Residents of Manchester and surrounding communities will be safe, promises Gordon Sand of the Calgary John Howard Society.

In early March, the Society proposed that Bedford House, a community residential facility or halfway house, relocate to an industrial site near Stanley Park due to the House’s expropriation from its current East Victoria Park location.

Since then, residents have voiced concerns regarding safety.

“We’ve listened,” said Sand.

In an amended proposal, Sand has put forward three new promises: Pedophiles will not be accepted until an electronic monitoring system is in place; police will be involved in the development permit process; and the maximum resident count will be 32.

“These extra assurances are in addition to a track record of well over 30 years of operation without incidence,” added Sand.

Ward 9 Ald. Joe Ceci is satisfied with these additions.

“They’ve done their work and are continuing to be open and responsive to concerns brought forward to them,” Ceci said.

Of primary concern, reiterated Sand, is safety.

“As an agency that’s our No. 1 concern. Community safety is why we exist.”