Happy trails across the province – Metro US

Happy trails across the province

I have two seasons — one that is cold and one slightly warmer than cold.

It really cuts down on wardrobe issues. Now with the temperature cracking the 20s more than once a month, it’s an easy time to get outside.

My friend recently said they really liked Halifax and Nova Scotia because we are so close to nature and we don’t have to crawl over people to see ocean views.

We were sitting on a rock on a trail near Crystal Crescent Beach. The beautiful scenery, walk and drive took a total of two and a half hours from downtown — the same time spent at the movies.

There are a number of great trails, beaches and campsites all over the province that are quite close when you think the longest may be be 41/2 hours away.

If you don’t have access to a car, there are local adventures by bike or bus. Spryfield’s McIntosh Run Trail (mcintoshrun.ca) can be accessed by Metro Bus numbers 19 and 20.

There are a lot of trails beside the river that are easily accessible. The McIntosh River Watershed Associations website has details.

In Cole Harbour, the Salt Water March Trail is accessible from Bisset Road (on the way to Rainbow Haven Beach). The first trailhead start is about three kilometres on the left. You can take bus No. 59 or 60 to get you the closest to the trail.

For a good listing of trails in Nova Scotia and HRM, check out the Nova Scotia Trails Federation site at www.novascotiatrails.com/index.cfm.

For camping, there are two national parks — Kejimkujik and Cape Breton Highlands. They both have trails with old-growth forests for day hikes and more comprehensive networks of trails for overnight hiking.

Both parks have backcountry camping options that are farther into the park with less amenities and more nature, adventure, and stunning views.

We are blessed with a number of provincial parks — parks.gov.ns.ca — with large campsites and easy access to beaches.

The options are endless.

– Rochelle Owen is director of sustainability at Dalhousie University. She has worked in the environment and sustainability field for 20 years; rochelle.owen@gmail.com