How to crowd surf – Metro US

How to crowd surf

There is a certain skill to crowd surfing, but it’s hard to practice
unless you have 38 friends gather in your backyard and hoist you up.
Read this guide and awe fellow concert goers will your magnificence and

1. Dress appropriately. Avoid big boots, studded collars, and mid-90s pants with 14 zippers (zippers get stuck in hair). Try to wear light clothes that fit your body so people know what they’re gripping and don’t pull your clothes off. At the same time, try to cover your flesh so you don’t get hurt or drip sweat all over your helpers. Remember that necklaces, shoes and hats can easily be pulled off, so wear things that aren’t too important to you. Have a friend (and we mean actual friend – not some guy) hold your wallet, bag and cellphone while you surf.

2. Stay relaxed but in control. Keep from flailing your limbs to avoid unintended kicks and punches to strangers’ skulls. Think of yourself as a surfboard being carried by waves and trust that the crowd won’t let you fall.

3. Pick an appropriate time. Crowd surfing should be an organic event and forcing it just doesn’t work. Mainly because people you’re surfing towards won’t be expecting you and you’ll fall six feet to the ground. Much like falling in love, you’ll just know when it’s right. Also much like love, if your instincts are wrong you will get hurt very badly.

4. Getting up. Have a couple of tall, strong people hoist you up so you have a second to survey the crowd and make sure it is surfable. Before launching yourself, try to give some form of warning to the people around you so they know to keep you afloat. It’s always best to surf down the middle of a crowd as people who stand at the sides are often trying to avoid slam dancers and crowd surfers and may not expect your arrival.

5. If you make it to the front, let the security guards pull you over the barrier and cooperate with them – they’ll probably send you off to the side and you’ll end up at the back of the crowd again. If you try to swim back into the audience and away from security, the crowd will probably toss you over the barrier with force.

6. As fun as crowd surfing can be, remember that it is no longer 1992 and the sport isn’t as respected as it once was. People who want a good view of the band get annoyed having to constantly look back in case someone is about to land on their head, and many people do get injured. Don’t go overboard, be respectful, and if you sense your surfing is putting off other fans try gathering 38 friends in your backyard and playing a CD.