How to trust your intuition – Metro US

How to trust your intuition

We all have the power of intuition working through us at all times. Our intuition is a kind, loving inner voice that guides us toward positive actions and peaceful outcomes. Often inspiration shows up as a strong gut knowing. Sometimes intuitive guidance comes through as a powerful feeling of inspiration or even a tingly sensation. We all have this inner guidance system, but many of us disconnect from it. If we want to trust our intuition we must release all disbelief and heighten our awareness of our inner voice.

How we block our intuition

The practical world around us

doesn’t support our creative capacity to connect to our inner guidance system. When we get hooked into our to-do lists and daily duties we lose track of our intuitive flow. Another block is fear. Whenever fear arises we cut off communication to our inner guide. Thoughts like “I can’t” or “there’s no way” block us from creative ideas and intuitive guidance. Then fear leads us to overthink and start future-tripping negative outcomes. All of these blocks disconnect us from our intuitive guide within.

How to clear the blocks

Releasing these blocks helps us realign with our intuition. We must awaken a practice of tuning in to our inner voice through meditation and stillness. You can begin this practice with two minutes of stillness each morning. Sit comfortably in silence and connect to your breath. Breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth. When two minutes are up take note of whatever your intuition tells you and write it in a notebook. Trust your first instinct. For one week, document the intuition that comes through after your two minutes of stillness. At the end of the week, reread what you’ve documented. It’s likely that you’ll see patterns and guidance that may not have come through without this stillness practice. Take this exercise into your day-to-day life: The more you practice listening to your intuition, the more you’ll trust its loving guidance.

— Gabrielle Bernstein is the author of “Spirit Junkie.”

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