Its not about the coffee — its about the people – Metro US

Its not about the coffee — its about the people

It’s Not About The Coffee

Author: Howard Behar
Publisher: Portfolio
Price: $18.50

There can be no coffee without people. In the case of Starbucks Coffee, past president Howard Behar, elaborates that when it comes to business its the people who serve your coffee, all the way to the origin of the bean… the growers that make or break you. “If your people are better human beings, they’ll be better partners of the company” says Behar.

Behar’s book takes a look at the 10 principles that helped shaped Starbucks into the company it is today … but none of these principles are about coffee.

The majority of his principles focus on decision making and accountability.

Are you making decisions based on the best insights? Are you doing the right things for the right reasons? And ultimately, is the right person in charge.

Behar presents a very human approach to building a business that still to this day wins the company a loyal customer and employee base. Common sense, but every now and then a refresher on these concepts is in order. People relations 101.