Lighting, clutter affect our work – Metro US

Lighting, clutter affect our work

As we discussed last week, the way our desks are positioned can have a direct impact on our productivity, but that isn’t the only thing affecting our work. Here are some other common issues.


“Florescent lighting drains you of energy,” says T. Raphael Simons, author of Feng Shui Strategies For Business Success.

However, it is what most offices use. Darrin Zeer, author of Office Feng Shui: Creating Harmony In Your Work Space, suggests changing your fluorescent bulbs to a natural product that does not strain your eyes, if possible.

If not, Kirsten Lagatree, author of Feng Shui At Work: Arranging Your Work Space For Peak Performance And Maximum Profit, suggests getting a desk lamp to cast warm, inviting light on your work area.


“Clutter, piles of paper work, noise pollution … and negative images or artwork around us can drain our energy,” says Ajmera.

To gain some of that energy back, keep a clean, clutter-free desk.

What you can do today

“Have a green plant, a real one, in your office, either floor or desktop,” says Lagatree. “It adds energy and a warm touch.”

Gill Hale, M Ed. FSSA from the Feng Shui Society, adds plants can absorb some of the damaging rays around your workspace.

Many of us share office space with others at this stage of our careers and making these changes could affect them. So, you might want to initiate a casual conversation about the changes you want to make. Keep your objects small and non-intrusive. It is counterproductive to achieve a harmonious workspace by bullying your co-workers to participate.

“We’re all influenced by every environment we occupy, whether it’s of our own making or just a space we visit. If your office is sterile and ugly, your work will be less creative and you will feel less in control,” says Lagatree.


Kavita Gosyne, 26, is a vibrant young journalist. She writes about her transition from student to employee and the issues she faces such as office politics.

Office layout tips
  • Aroon Ajmera, director of Feng Shui Designs Ltd., says noise pollution from computers, printers, copiers, traffic, telephones and air-conditioning systems are the most disruptive factors in offices. Ajmera suggests, where possible, to isolate noisy equipment from working areas. He also says open plan offices need to incorporate a level of privacy with ease of communication with other colleagues. Dividing screens are ideal for this.