Portland Estates and Hills wins Spirit Award on third try – Metro US

Portland Estates and Hills wins Spirit Award on third try

Third time was the charm for the community of Portland Estates and Hills in Dartmouth.

After two swings and misses for the Lieutenant Governor’s Community Spirit Award, residents celebrated a winning submission at last with a party in their neighbourhood park yesterday.

Lt.-Gov. Mayann Francis said their warmth and hospitality was evident.

“You are the pride of Dartmouth and an example to everyone in Nova Scotia,” she said before handing over the hardware.

It’s a tight community, said resident Barb Stubbs who moved in four years ago.

“Sometimes everybody knows everyone’s business but it doesn’t seem to be a huge issue,” she said.

“There are always a lot of people around, lots of kids. It’s just a really good spirit.”

Their volunteer group, Portland Estates and Hills Residents’ Association (PEHRA), glues the community together by being very active and organizing events, according to the submission.

“PEHRA is like the heartbeat of the neighbourhood,” was written in the award submission.
“It’s always checking things out and getting involved if needed.”

Dalyce Mallion-Wiechert said the community was also celebrating a new trail through Birches Park and a sign which will keep everyone in the know.

“There’s a read-o-graph and we put up messages everyday like if there’s registration for canoe club or a special event happening,” she said. “It’s a great way to keep the community together.”

It’s also a good way to keep “lost cat” posters off the lampposts and mail kiosks, she said.

At least 100 people joined in the celebration at Birches Park yesterday afternoon. There were games for the kids, a talent show, and of course celebratory cake.