Reality gig just an act: Paris – Metro US

Reality gig just an act: Paris

Ric Francis/associated press

Actress Paris Hilton blows a kiss to a screaming fan while signing autographs at a recent event in Los Angeles.

CHEAP SHOT: Normally, I try not to comment on the week’s latest Paris Hilton news, as this paper has a gossip section ably suited to the task.

While it’s a matter of debate just what Paris Hilton is famous for, she has been the star of several seasons of a reality TV show, which theoretically makes her fair game for a TV column, I suppose. Finally, the recent name change of this column almost obliges me to cover Paris Hilton stories, don’t you think?

And to be frank, it’s shaping up to be a slow news week. So here we go…

Last week, Paris Hilton gave an interview to Sean Hamilton of the Sun, a U.K. tabloid. Hilton has been in Britain, presumably promoting her upcoming record, and besides making the rounds of every party and media event that exists to host slow motion celebrity train wrecks, she found time to share pearls of wisdom with the press, starting with this near-definitive summation of reality TV:

“Simple Life is a reality show and people might assume it’s real,” Hilton told Hamilton. “But it’s fake … All reality shows are fake basically. When you have a camera on you, you are not going to act yourself.”

Well, I guess that settles that. Additionally, Hilton revealed that her character on The Simple Life isn’t really herself, but a clever, telegenic creation. “(B)efore I started the show I thought I’d make a character like the movies Legally Blonde and Clueless mixed together, with a rich girl all-in-one.”

“Even my voice is different,” Hilton said, “and the way I dress is different from me in real life. It’s a character I like to play. I think it’s carefree and happy. The public think they know me but they really don’t.”

Which makes sense, if you think about it — after all, how often does Hilton’s Simple Life character make porn home movies and mislay the tapes? Never. And to think this woman’s been denied an Emmy year after year.

PROJECT RUNW’EH: The producers of Project Runway have announced a deal with Canadian production house Insight to make a homegrown version of the show.

“We are delighted to have joined forces with such a dynamic production outfit as Insight Productions,” said David Ellender, CEO of FremantleMedia Enterprises in a press release yesterday, “and I have no doubt that our combined efforts will lead to the successful launch of the exciting format in Canada.”

More than any bid to host the Olympics or launch a hit musical, Canada’s status in the eyes of the world will be enhanced considerably if Insight can dig up the dozen profoundly bitchy, ambitious contestants necessary to produce a really successful season of the show. I wish them the best, and offer my own expertise in the field of pathological social misbehaviour, if required.
