Seven habits of the perpetually single – Metro US

Seven habits of the perpetually single

At first it was fun being the token single pal, recounting your hilarious dating adventures for your boring coupled-up friends.

But after a while the drama gets tiring and now that everybody is settling down you’re starting to wonder — why am I still single?

Now you’re one more disastrous date away from retiring your heels and giving up for good. But before you slip into a bathrobe and adopt a family of stray cats, think about what you might be doing to inadvertently sabotage your love life.

You jump into bed right away: Sexual chemistry is an important part of any relationship, but doing the deed too soon doesn’t give you a chance to learn each other’s last names, let alone your hopes and dreams. If you’re looking for a relationship that extends beyond the bedroom, try getting to know each other before getting undressed.

You’re still in love with your ex: Stop comparing everyone to ‘the one that got away’ and remember, it didn’t work out for a reason. Delete phone numbers, cease all e-stalking activity and move on.

You’re too nice: Being perpetually agreeable is both boring and a major turnoff. Dial back your desperation for approval and don’t be afraid to be opinionated.

Your routine has left you in a rut: Everyday you take the same bus to the same office and then have drinks with the same friends at the same bar and then go home to the same bed…alone. Do you see where I’m going with this?

You’re a stage five clinger: Is playing it cool a foreign concept to you? If you follow up a first date with a phone call, a text message, an email, another phone call and an enthusiastic Facebook status update, you’re probably scaring away potential suitors.

You’re really into reality TV: Or postmodern feminist literature or Farmville. A unique passion makes you interesting, it can also mean you have a one-dimensional personality. If your opinion on last night’s episode of Jersey Shore is the only thing you have to contribute to the conversation, don’t be too surprised if there’s no second date.

You’re shallow: High standards are fine, a long checklist of unrealistic expectations is outrageous. Focusing on the superficial not only makes you a jerk, it means you’ll miss out on a potential romance just because he or she isn’t tall enough, blond enough, rich enough etc. Remember, no one is perfect, not even you.