‘Sexperts’ show Not So Serious Side of Sex! – Metro US

‘Sexperts’ show Not So Serious Side of Sex!

The Trailer Park Boys’ Cory Bowles and local comedian Michael Best will be among the “sexperts” sharing their knowledge of sex at a fundraiser for the The Halifax Sexual Health Centre on Saturday.

Called The Not So Serious Side of Sex!, the event will see local celebrities tackling questions about sex and popular culture; Like who was at the first couple shown in bed together on TV, and how much of their lifetime an average person spends kissing.

The experts include Sexy Girl owner and Q104 regular Rachel Dodds, actor and gay activist Hugo Dann, author Charles Crosby, Venus Envy manager Maggie Haywood, realtor Rosie Porter, Dalhousie University sexologist Richard Wasserug, artist Anne Pickard, and broadcaster Stephanie Domet.

Along with the quiz, the event will include performances by members of Belindance and the local burlesque community, and music from popular group Gypsophilia.

A non-profit organization, the Halifax Sexual Health Centre offers a number of services, which includes providing free condoms and pregnancy testing, anonymous HIV testing, and other sexual-heath services.