Shelter takes count of a disturbing number – Metro US

Shelter takes count of a disturbing number

They say a picture is worth a thousand words and today we’ll find out what a snapshot is worth.

The Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter (CWES) is participating in the inaugural Global Data Count today as part of the United Nation’s International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women.

“It’s important to participate in this worldwide count because violence against women in Calgary is at one of the highest rates in our country,” executive director Lisa Falkowsky said of the data count.

At an international conference last year in Edmonton it was decided shelters across the world would provide a snapshot on how many women and children accessed or tried to access women’s shelters today, according to Erin Waite of the CWES.

“Since it’s the first year we won’t have anything to compare it to but if continued in the coming months we will be able to gauge the numbers,” she added.

Waite noted there has been a 32 per cent spike in calls this November over last, but credits the increase to increased awareness.