Solving Internet safety – Metro US

Solving Internet safety

While Internet crimes continue to grow at an alarming rate, the Calgary police are giving young kids the tools to protect themselves while online.

Yesterday was the launch of the newly proclaimed Calgary Online Safety Week, and Calgary police partnered with Southcentre Mall to provide Willow Park Arts Centre Grade 6 students an interactive crime-solving activity tailored to Internet safety.

“I think it’s a lot of fun to solve crimes and it’s been really interesting,” 11-year-old Marissa Miller said.

Police Chief Rick Hanson was also on hand to launch the special initiative, and he told Metro that Internet crime is a major growing problem in the city, not just for kids but for people in general.

“I think cyber crimes are a huge problem in the community. Criminals have adapted to use the Internet,” he said, adding pedophiles, fraudsters and thieves frequently prey on users.

“I think everyone, especially younger people and their parents, need to be aware of who they’re talking to … The reality is you have to be careful,” he added.

Which is why programs like this are so important, mother Cynthia McKitrick said.

“I have kids between six and 13 years old and there are different things to watch for with the ages. I think it’s very important to work together,” she said, adding the parents can learn as much as the kids.