Student associations ‘optimistic’ that next government will boost funding – Metro US

Student associations ‘optimistic’ that next government will boost funding

Parties need to plan more investment in post-secondary institutions, members of Alliance of Nova Scotia Student Associations said at a press conference yesterday in Halifax.

Mark Coffin, executive director of ANSSA, said one of the issues facing all political parties is they do not address accessibility for minorities or the poor, adding provincial government needs to give these groups more support.

Coffin also said he would like to see a comprehensive review of the entire post-secondary education system in the province.

Matthew Anderson, President of Saint Mary’s University Student Association, said 70 per cent of new jobs in Canada would require post-secondary credentials, however only 35 per cent of people between 18 and 25 in Nova Scotia currently participate.

Despite the provincial parties receiving poor grades in education from ANSSA, Anderson said he remains “optimistic” that whoever wins this election will invest in universities and colleges.

“There is room for improvement for all parties,” he said outside the Sobey building on the Saint Mary’s campus. “But we’re willing to work wth whoever wins this election.”
Liberal Leader Stephen McNeil was the only leader to attend, although NDP and Progressive Conservative candidates were also there.

McNeil noted the change in tuition prices from when he attended community college at “roughly $1,200 a year,” compared to what students pay today.

“There’s no question, they’re high and it’s crippling some students.”