Take an interest in homework – Metro US

Take an interest in homework

When it comes to homework for students in elementary schools, a lot of questions from parents arise. Why is my child getting homework at this age? How can I help him/her? How long should the assignments take? What are the benefits?

Helen Lum teaches a grade 2/3 split class at Captain James Cook Elementary. She says although the younger children don’t receive homework, she does request that parents read with their kids on a regular basis.

“I personally tell the parents that they should talk to their children about what they’re reading to make sure they comprehend it” says Lum. “Things like asking their opinion and other inferential questions.”

Students in grades four to seven will receive anything from work that they haven’t finished in class, to full-on projects.

“Homework gives the parents a chance to see what their kids are learning in school and it’s a chance for the kids to get used to receiving it because they’ll be getting a lot more when they get older,” says Lum.

If students are having troubles, parents and older siblings are encouraged to help them, but it’s important the child understands the assignment and completes it him/herself.

Although teachers see more value in the quality than the quantity of the work, it is important that homework is completed on a consistent basis.

“I always mark the student’s work, and if it’s not done correctly, I’ll ask them to do it again,” says Lum.

Homework is just as important as the work the students do in school as they can practice learning on their own and if they don’t have enough practice doing the work independently, they may not do well overall.