The Cheat Sheet: Banksy, The Simpsons, and some warm fuzzies in Chile – Metro US

The Cheat Sheet: Banksy, The Simpsons, and some warm fuzzies in Chile

  • Everyone’s estatic that the Chilean miners, trapped underground for two months, are about to be rescued. Which makes official statements like this one all the more endearing. To wit: “Chilean Health Minister: ‘Everytime a miner hits the surface, it will be like giving birth and this is one big pregnancy.'” (via @lisalaflammectv)
  • Speaking of the miners, every Canadian should feel a warm fuzzy after reading this story by Toronto Star scribe Jennifer Yang, who went out to the Chilean desert to profile the three drilling crews — containing many Canucks — that raced to reach the miners hundreds of metres below ground.
  • The talk of Twitter town is that famed graffiti artist #%21″>Banksy crafted the most recent couch gag on The Simpsons (y’know, in the opening credits when the family assembles at the TV). The sequence took a particularly dystopian turn this week, poking a hard elbow at our Western consumerism, and perhaps nipping at the hand that feeds (coughFoxcough).
  • Craving more context? Simpsons executive producer Al Jean answers some questions in the New York Times.