The Fray by The Fray – Metro US

The Fray by The Fray

The Fray
Album: The Fray
Label: Epic/Sony Music
Rating: **

In an ideal world, talent would equate with record sales, but we all know that reality is just a pipe dream.

The Fray are one platinum selling act that prove, yet again, that bland, uninspiring tunes are all you need to create to be famous.

On the band’s third effort they once again produce extremely watered down Coldplay-like piano ballads and thoughtless über-mainstream rock; perfect for a sappy Grey’s Anatomy episode, but not so great for anyone who actually likes listening to music.

With just enough catchy choruses and cheesy lyrics, this record, unfortunately, will be a huge hit.

The Fray – You Found Me, off of the self-titled album

Listen to The Fray online at:
