TIFF Film review: Leaves Of Grass – Metro US

TIFF Film review: Leaves Of Grass

Leaves Of Grass

Tim Blake Nelson’s brainy fish-out-of-water comedy set in redneck Oklahoma stars Edward Norton and Keri Russell. It’s loads of fun and a welcome relief from heavier fare at TIFF. Norton plays twins, one a university philosophy professor, the other a backwoods Oklahoma dope grower and dealer.

The professor has been estranged from his family for years but returns home when the dealer is murdered. But he’s not dead, just scheming. He wants the professor to alibi him while he travels out of state to kill a Jewish lawyer/major drug lord. Susan Sarandon, their mother, lives in an old-age home so she can forget her troubles and stare out the window. Insane humour and the sheer novelty of seeing Norton play the double role make this a worthy and fun time.

For movie trailers, photos and screen times, or to buy tickets, click here