Tot’s first day ‘scary but exciting’ – Metro US

Tot’s first day ‘scary but exciting’

The first day of school is an exciting day for young students and parents alike.

It can be even more nerve-racking when the student is three years old and is attending school for the very first time.

With that in mind, parents with children enrolled in the Little Bethlehem Program at Our Lady of the Prairies Elementary got to spend the first day of school with their kids in the classroom.
“It’s scary but exciting,” said parent Savanna Chadsey.

“I don’t think I would be able to come here and drop him off on the first day of school and just leave. I’d probably go home and cry for three hours before coming back to pick him up.”

District principal Corine Gannon helped develop the program.

“We do know that high-quality early learning programs have a profound impact on how well children are able to learn and grow and achieve,” she said.

The Little Bethlehem Program is aimed at giving students a literary-rich environment with early learning experiences.

The program has access to early learning consultants, speech-language pathologists, physical therapists and behaviour specialists so that, if needed, children will be given the appropriate supports.