Trees aren’t just for yards – Metro US

Trees aren’t just for yards

Why are shoe trees such a big deal? Why do I even need them and why spend the money? I’ve never had shoe trees and my shoes look just fine without them.

– Signed, Shoe Man

Dear Shoe Man,

I can tell you all you need to know in six simple points.

1. A good pair of shoe trees are made out of wood, traditionally cedar.

2. Shoe trees hold your shoes in shape so that when you do wear them they actually retain their shape and fit better along with looking better.

3. Cedar shoe trees absorb moisture from your shoes, which is a good thing as this helps reduce odour and keeps the leather in better condition.

4. Keep shoe trees in your shoes at all times when not using them.

5. Good shoe trees come in different sizes.

Make sure you buy the correct size that corresponds to your feet size.

6. Shoe trees will last longer than the shoes.

Remember, you don’t have to buy a new pair of shoe trees with every pair of shoes. Simply transfer them to your new shoes once you discard the old pair.

• Have a question? Email Charles at askcharlesthebutler@metronews.ca.