UOttawa: The new class – Metro US

UOttawa: The new class

Bookstore lineups and frosh squinting at maps as they tried to navigate the University of Ottawa campus signalled the approach of a new school year.

For Nicole Ashworth, going into her second year in business, this year’s task was clear.

“Grades need to get better,” she said.

“Second year is like, kinda, get your life together a little bit more. First year was a little hectic and we had fun. This year we all have to buckle down and get our stuff together.”

Her roommate and classmate, Emily Quinn, said she hoped to get a bit more face time with profs this year than last year.

“You’re just a number to them, really. You don’t know them personally, so it’s a lot harder to get in touch with them,” she said. “I’ve heard in second year they’re more approachable and open to questions.”

Tom Li, a first-year accounting student, expressed no beginner’s anxieties about the year ahead.
“I think I’ve got everything under control,” he said.