Virgin festival ready to rock city of Calgary – Metro US

Virgin festival ready to rock city of Calgary

Music lovers, beer lovers and hot weather lovers are in Virgin heaven this weekend as the ‘hippest’ outdoor festival to hit Calgary is finally here.

Saturday and Sunday will be rocking major names in the music industry and indie favourites too, but more than that, the Virgin Music Festival is putting the city on the International festival map.

“This is one of the biggest events of the summer and the music festivals coming to the city are distinguishing Calgary from other cities,” Calgary Arts Development president Terry Rock told Metro.

“It’s very important for the city, especially following something big like the Junos,” he added.
The highly anticipated musical festival is only making its mark on one other Canadian city this year, Toronto, and the organizers couldn’t be more excited.

“It’s finally here and we’re doubly thrilled with the response from Calgarians. Especially with the weather people should get there tickets now because we’re almost sold out,” Virgin Mobile spokesperson Chris Baines said.

Not only music to Calgarians ears, but much more fun fanfare will be on the bill this weekend, he added.
There will also be autograph tents for fans to get signed, Rock N’ Roll karaoke and oxygen therapy stations to help revitalize thirsty visitors at Fort Calgary this weekend.