Young adults wanted – Metro US

Young adults wanted

Calgary’s United Way 2335 vision campaign is calling out to the city’s young philanthropists as a way to encourage volunteerism among young adults.

2335 is a group of 23- to 35-year-olds working together to engage their peers in understanding social issues and actively creating positive change.

With the youngest population in Canada, it means more potential for help from willing young volunteers.

“Individuals in their 20s and 30s that are socially aware of what is going on are more motivated to help by using a hands-on approach and getting involved one-on-one within certain communities,” said Rhiannon MacDonnell, co-chair of the 2335 group.

Last year, volunteers hit the streets of different communities with camera in hand to capture the character of Calgary’s people and their surroundings — some with guided tours from the city’s homeless.

“This method wasn’t used a way to scare young volunteers, but rather a way for them to research and become aware of the dire state many people live in,” MacDonnell said.

Photos from last year’s project will be displayed through January at Koi Cafe at 1011 — 1st St. SW.