Fed up with the price of protecting the first lady in her ritzy Manhattanhigh-rise, taxpayers are urging members of the Senate to force Melania Trump to relocate. Security for the first lady and 10-year-old Barron, who currently reside in the president’s Trump Tower, costs on average about $136,000 daily, according to the NYPD. By June — when mother and son are rumored to join President Donald Trump in the White House once Barron finishes his school year — security expenditures could total around $18.2 million. If they don’t move to D.C., which has been rumored, taxpayers will have paid $46.9 million by the end of the year. A petition gaining steam on change.org had nearly 35,000 supporters by Monday morning. Its ask is simple: Melania Trump heads south to D.C., or the family foots her security bill themselves. “The U.S. taxpayer is paying an exorbitant amount of money to protect the First Lady in Trump Tower,” reads the petition, which will be delivered to Sens. Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren. “As to help relieve the national debt, this expense yields no positive results for the nation and should be cut from being funded.”