President Obama’s State of the Union speeches compared (with word clouds!) – Metro US

President Obama’s State of the Union speeches compared (with word clouds!)

President Obama didn’t pull any punches in his second to last State of the Union, and it was refreshing to see the normally measured president, let his sassy side out.

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Metro collected the President’s speeches from this year and last year, and made them into word clouds. Why? Well, we like pretty things and thought that it would be a great visual aid in comparing the president’s two speeches.

In our word clouds the size of the word indicates the frequency with which it was used. The clouds do not include commonly used words and were limited to the top fifty used words.

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Take a look at Obama’s 2014 State of the union speech:

Now take a look at his speech from the this year’s State of the Union:

Perhaps one of the most noticeable differences between the two speeches is Obama’s inclusion of the word “college” in this year’s address. This of course shouldn’t be a surprise to most, as free community college has been one of Obama’s most recent pet projects.

What did you think of the President’s address? This is what some folks on twitter thought: