President Trump tries to co-opt Women’s March, is denied – Metro US

President Trump tries to co-opt Women’s March, is denied

President Trump tries to co-opt Women’s March, is denied
Kait Moore

President Trump’s attempt to rebrand the Women’s March a pro-Trump event didn’t go over well with millions of women who were marching to protest nearly everything he stands for.

On Saturday, feminist Twitter reminded the president that he was, in the language of social media, canceled, after millions of women joined protests on the first anniversary of his inauguration and Trump tried to claim them as his own.

“Beautiful weather all over our great country, a perfect day for all Women to March. Get out there now to celebrate the historic milestones and unprecedented economic success and wealth creation that has taken place over the last 12 months. Lowest female unemployment in 18 years!,” he tweeted.

Elle.com summed up the gutsy marketing move: “Not only is Trump taking credit for the achievements of women across America over the past year, he’s also attempting to rebrand the Women’s March as an event in his honor.”

It was not, in fact, which Twitter quickly pointed out.

Over the weekend, hundreds of thousands of people joined marches in cities across the country. A crowd of more than 200,000 was reported in New York City, 300,000 in Chicago, 600,000 in Los Angeles, along with gatherings in smaller cities such as Richmond, Virginia, and overseas, in countries including Germany, Italy, Uganda and Japan.

The unofficial tagline was “Power to the Polls,” as organizers encourage more women to vote and to run for office in 2018.

About 389 women (314 Democrats and 75 Republicans) have signed up to run for the House of Representatives this November, according to the “New Yorker”. That’s about double the number in 2016. In terms of governorships, 79 women are running (48 Democrats and 31 Republicans) are running for 36 contested offices — more than twice the previous record of 34 in 1994.

An ABC News/”Washington Post” poll released today shows that Democrats could see a sizable advantage over Republicans at the polls in the midterm elections: 64 percent of women said they would vote Democrat in November, versus 29 percent for Republicans — an increase of 20 percent in two months.