Quality control a concern for reader – Metro US

Quality control a concern for reader

One reader writes in that she doesn’t care about reality shows, such as Survivor: China, hosted by Jeff Probst.

STRUCK DUMB: VIEWERS STRIKE BACK: It’s easy – and sometimes positively fun – to regard the Hollywood writers’ strike with some cynicism, especially when it one side acts as if it would be impoverished by paying out royalties on cell phone downloads, while the other acts assumes the role of starving coal miners being told that they’d have to pay for their dead canaries. Reader Magie Claro-DaCosta isn’t so cynical however, and gives us the perspective of TV viewers who take their watching seriously with her answer to my question “Do you give a good goddamn about the Hollywood writers Strike?”:

“My answer is yes, I do. I am a fan of Television and in partial good TV (which is getting harder it find now a days). In the world of reality TV, where the shows because more and more stupid, and some one like me who couldn’t give a flying fig over who can back stab some one in the back the most to win a million dollars or which bachelor is pretending to fall in love with what girl.”

“I really appreciate when a show is both interesting and well written. There are so few that are, shows that have you tuning in eachweek and wondering where they are going and want will happen next (instead of ‘yeah I saw that coming a mile away’). So, I value the writers, their work and support them in this strike.”

“Ofcourse I find it, frustrating that the same shows Ihave been looking forward to seeing will be delayed, or that new series will be pushed back, but it is a sacrifice I am willing to make, so that I can in the future continue to getgood writing. That TV is able to keep the few good writers out there! “

Keep the responses coming – I’ll try to publish one every day until the strike is over.

NOT A WRITERS’ STRIKE ITEM – REALLY! The next season of Battlestar Galactica looks to be another victim of the strike (ha! – I lied!), so fans had better bask in the Cylony goodness of Battlestar Galactica: Razor, the 2-hour TV movie airing tomorrow night at 9 pm on Space.

It’s basically a flashback episode with some more flashbacks and another flashback to decades before the Galactica story begins, featuring the character of Admiral Cain (Michelle Forbes), whose tenure in the BG storyline was brief but memorable – so much so that creators Ronald D. Moore and David Eick had to bring the character back despite her demise in the middle of season two. It’s a rip-snorting interlude that’s only a bit of a clip show, and features the return of the chrome “toasters” from the original series, as well as a sting in its tail linking the end of season three with season four – whenever the hell that’s supposed to begin.
