Delays are slowing down commuters all over the tracks Tuesday afternoon.
The Red Line is experiencing the most severe delays, with Boston Fire Department activity keeping movement to a crawl along the entire line, according to MBTA real-time service alerts. No word as of 5 p.m.on what that activity is. A disabled train is causing moderatedelaysalong the B branch of the Green Line.
So far, Orange Line, Mattapan Trolley and Silver Line riders are still in for a clearride home.
No such luck for bus riders. As of 5 p.m., 49 bus lines are experiencing slowdowns thanks to rush-hour traffic.
On the commuter line, Kingston Train 048, which departed at 4:02 p.m. is running an hour behind schedule due to an earlier disabled train. The Fitchburg line is running about a half hour behind, while a Franklin train, Haverhill train, a Lowell train and a Middleborough train are all running 10 to 20 minutes behind schedule. No serious accidents, but typical traffic is slowing down commuters along Route 93 and 90, according to MassDOT real-time traffic data.
Severe delays on Red Line, Green Line going slow
