East coast earthquake: How will you survive the apocalypse? – Metro US

East coast earthquake: How will you survive the apocalypse?

Financial collapse, and now an earthquake? Is this really happening? Not surprisingly, a growing sector of the population feels that, yes, the apocalypse is well on the way and they’re taking every precaution to be ready for it.

Take for example, survivalist Dr. Stirling Silverman (this is his pen name – he will not give us his real name for security reasons) who is featured in TLC’s upcoming special, “Livin’ for the Apocalypse.” Since the late 1980’s and in an undisclosed location in Missouri, Silverman has been stockpiling food, water, weaponry, silver – you name it – in the event of government or environmental failure.

“In the late ‘80s … I became aware that the government was just not going to be prepared for social security because they were spending the money that we were paying in,” he says. “Of course, anybody who can do the math understands that the baby boomer [generation] is a large group of people … [today] you’re going to have less people paying into the system and then you’re going to have all these baby boomers that are expecting to get their retirement money from social security. I think it’s criminally negligent that our politicians did not foresee this thing coming.”

Expecting the possibilities of “social unrest, economic collapse and hyper-inflation,” Silverman began collecting silver, which may be handy to have if the dollar collapses completely.

Think that sounds extreme? Consider the reasons why you’re reading this article right now, or why a show called “Livin’ for the Apocalypse” was made in the first place.

“I think just about everybody out there senses that we’re on the verge of something really bad and a lot of people don’t understand what it is,” says Silverman. “This [TLC] show is one reflection of that. That’s not something that would happen ten years ago. It was a very obscure type of topic in the ‘80s when I started, but its actually becoming mainstream.”