Football that’s easy on the eyes, played just as tough – Metro US

Football that’s easy on the eyes, played just as tough

Sunday’s Lingerie Bowl IX is a rematch between the 2011 champs, Los
Angeles Temptation, and the Philadelphia Passion.


Ogom Chijindu

Wide receiver/safety,

Los Angeles Temptation

Thoughts on your rivals?

It’s not really difficult to size up the competition — we played them last year in the Lingerie Bowl. We beat them by one point. This year we have more of an advantage because we’ve seen them play a variety of teams. I’m not knocking them — they do have some talent — but because we beat them once I don’t think it will be hard to beat them again.

What’s the key to victory?

Our strategy is to shut down their one-woman show, [run­ning back] Marirose Roach. It’s the Roach show every time they play — so if we can shut her down, force the run on the inside, they won’t be able to score on us.

Pregame rituals?

I like to eat Slim Jims. I eat them before every single game, and we’ve won every time.

What’s the first thing you’ll do if you win on Sunday?

If we win we’re gonna take a really long and overdue vacation as a team.

What do you do when you’re not playing football?

I’m a Hooters girl/Hooters trainer. They’re very flexible with my crazy football schedule. I get to pop in every now and then and waitress and train new girls — I love it.


Christy Bell


Philadelphia Passion

Thoughts on your rivals?

We’ve watched their games. We sat down on Tuesday and started drawing up our game plan with coach. Losing to them by one point was so hard last year. It’s going to be a little more emotional on Sunday — we’re gonna be angry during the game.

What’s the key to victory?

We’re just going to play our game. We might change one or two things with our defense, but our offense has been set all year. We have our throwing game, which we showed off [in the conference finals], and then we have a fantastic running game.

Pregame rituals?

We do a whole team thing — we rile each other up, we do pep talks, we have our team prayer right before the game. We do a lot of yelling.

What’s the first thing you’ll do if you win on Sunday?

Hopefully run into the locker room and pop a bottle of champagne! I’ll feel like a million bucks.

What do you do when you’re not playing football?

I’m still in school and usually I’m waitressing or bartending. I was still writing papers this week and doing homework.