Street style: New York – Metro US

Street style: New York

Street style 1:13 We want sunny days to get here already so we can wear cool, colorful outfits like Scarlett Baily.
Credit: Shanita Sims

Name: Scarlett Baily
Occupation: Artist
Spotted: New York

What she’s wearing:
“I’m wearing a Ports 1961 top, a vintage jacket, Uniqlo pants, Ports 1961 shoes, and jewelry from Balenciaga, Casio and Love Adorned.”

If you could trade closets with anyone, who would it be?
“My favorite Art History Professor, Robert Williams, from my school days. Every day he wore a white button down tucked into black skinny jeans and a variation of a black shoe depending on the weather.”

What is your wardrobe must-have?
“Oh man, weird jackets in shapes that aren’t entirely functional. It’s to the point where I wonder how I manage to step out the door especially in New York City weather. I once stumbled on cloaks Henri Matisse designed for priests in France.”