Does the thought of acting in a movie about the Boston Marathon bombing, directed by Mark “Marky Mark” Wahlberg not upset you in any way? Then we have good news for you!
“Patriot’s Day” has faced some road bumps on it’s way to production.
Just recenty the film was denied permission to film on the campus where convicted Boston Marathon bomberDzhokhar Tsarnaev attended school. Matt Lee is a web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely:@off_Yellow.
There’s an open casting call for Mark Wahlberg’s Boston Marathon bombing movie

There’s an open casting call for “Patriot’s Day” extras this Sunday, March 13, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at 129 Braintree St. in Allston.
“Boston Casting is looking for general extras, police officers, firefighters, doctors, nurses, paramedics, SWAT team members, and marathon runners,” reported.Some of the perks, noted, include a hot lunch and hanging out withWahlbergall day.
“Gerry Kavanaugh, the acting chancellor of the University of Massachusetts in Dartmouth, said in a statement that the school would turn down the request from CBS Films because a movie shoot would be ‘too disruptive to our campus community,'” Reuters reported.
Prior to that, the film was also denied permission to film in Watertown, where Tarnaev and his brother had a shoot out with police.
“Patriots Day” has a planned release of December 21.