A video allegedly showing 1,400 employees of HVAC company Carrier being told their jobs were being moved to Mexico is making a huge splash on the Internet after it was posted to Reddit.
Within seconds of the video starting, the man delivering the news that jobs will move from the Midwest to Monterey, Mexico is met with a roar of outrage from the workers assembled in the room.
“In the video, a company spokesman informs the gathered employees that in order for Carrier Air Conditioner to ‘stay competitive and protect the business for long term’ that production will be moving from Indianapolis, Indiana to Monterrey, Mexico starting in 2017” Heavy.com explains. After being told to quiet down, the man is continually interrupted with the cries from angry individuals in the group.
According to NBC Indianapolis the move is still “subject to discussions with local union representatives,” that eligible employees will receive severance packages and that the move won’t begin till 2017. Watch the entire video below:
Matt Lee is a web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely@mattlee2669.
This is the sound of 1,400 workers being fired
