Gaze dramatically off into the distance tonight with “Chicago P.D.”
Credit: Matt Dinerstein, NBC
Things are getting pretty cutthroat in San Juan del Sur, as one contestant schemes for ways to get someone on their own team eliminated.
8 p.m., CBS
‘Top Chef’
The newest season, set in Boston, premieres with the various chefs trying to recreate and improve upon the first dish they ever created. Ours would be “mac and cheese with bread crumbs on the top.”
‘Chicago P.D.’
After two teenage girls disappear, the team tries to investigate where they might have gone, except for Roman and Burgess, who are tied up with gun buyback responsibilities.
10 p.m., NBC
‘Key & Peele’
If you haven’t already seen the clip online, you should tune in for tonight’s episode, which features a sketch about Steve Urkel gone mad with power on the set of ’90s sitcom “Family Matters.”
10:30 p.m., COMEDY