Watch the Emmy Awards’ Apple Music ad the Internet lost its sh– over – Metro US

Watch the Emmy Awards’ Apple Music ad the Internet lost its sh– over

Watch the Emmy Awards’ Apple Music ad the Internet lost its sh– over

If you have ever wanted to watch three people who would never invite you to hang out with them hang out, then this Apple Music ad should do the trick.

The ad featured the three goddesses: Mary J. Blige, Taraji P Henson and Kerry Washington hanging out at Mary J. Blige’s stylish home that probably smells amazing.

Not only are all three fabulous people in their own right, they were also dressed amazingly and probably shop together all the time.

When the ad aired during the Emmy’s the internet lost it’s sh– with how fabulous it was.

Here’s the entire ad (prepare to lose your sh–):

Matt Lee is a Web producer for Metro New York. He writes about almost everything and anything. Talk to him (or yell at him) on Twitter so he doesn’t feel lonely@mattlee2669.