What’s your top tip for 2014 NYC Marathon runners? – Metro US

What’s your top tip for 2014 NYC Marathon runners?

What’s your top tip for 2014 NYC Marathon runners?
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Eric Kayser, owner of Maison Kayser and 2014 NYC Marathon runner:

<p>Dr. Elizabeth Hale
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<p>Dr. Elizabeth Hale
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<p>Beret Kirkeby
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<p>Beret Kirkeby
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<p>“After the race, I recommend Maison Kayser’s Marathon Menu. The items we hand-selected are a nice mix of carbohydrates and protein, which give you the energy you need to refuel. And our energy sticks (the fruit version is my personal favorite!) keep your hunger level low and have given me energy while training for the big day. They are made from organic rye flour and have dried cranberries, apples, cinnamon and maple syrup. See you at the finish line!”</p><div id=

Dr. Daniel Hsu, complimentary and alternative medicine specialist, New York AcuHealth:

<p>Dr. Daniel Hsu
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<p>Dr. Daniel Hsu
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<p>“Acupuncture is great to prepare an athlete for the rigors of competition. And it’s also great to help an athlete recover from effects of strenuous training [by helping]to increase blood flow to the muscles. Acupuncture also helps to relieve pain and soreness in the joints. Furthermore, it also helps the athlete to to relieve stress and anxiety before and even after athletic competition. As you know, athletic performance is just as much a mental game as it is a physical game.”</p>
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<p><b>Beret Kirkeby,</b> manual therapist, Body Mechanics Orthopedic Massage:
<p>“Running 26.2 miles is no small feat; it usually hurts at least a little. Just remember that pain is scientifically an output of the brain observing changes in the body. Unless the pain is accompanied by a noise, forces you to stop or fall, or swelling occurs, it is probably just pain (vs. an injury) and you can manage it.”</p>
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<p><b>Dr. Elizabeth K. Hale, </b>dermatologist and 2014 NYC Marathon runner:
<p>“Running is a mental and physical challenge for the whole body, but don’t forget to take care of your skin: Stay hydrated, use a body glide to prevent chafing, and apply a sweat-resistant performance sunscreen like Coppertone Sport AccuSpray.”</p>
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