Good morning.
Before you opened your eyes, Obama apologized for accidental drone deaths, while a captain was in court for migrant ship deaths. A Colorado teen survived a pot brownie plunge and aColumbia student sued the university over rape allegations. Japanese Apple fans bought its first watches.
Apple launched watches
The Mac mothership launches its smart watch today, but don’t head down to the Apple stores — the Apple Watch is only available online or in upscale boutiques. The Japanese got their hands on the first ones before you fired up your iPhone this morning. READ MORE:Lackluster launch for Apple Watch, only sold today in upscale boutiques Obama said sorry again
The president apologized for the deaths of an American and an Italian who had been killed in drone strikes on an al Qaeda camp in Pakistan. Experts say it’s getting harder and harder to work out where hostages are located. READ MORE: Obama ‘regrets’ U.S. drone deaths of U.S. and Italian al Qaeda hostages A captain was in the dock
The Tunisian guy that survivors say was the captain of the shipwreck in which more than 700 died, appeared in an Italian court. Just 28 out of about 750 on the 65-foot fishing boat survived.
READ MORE:Suspected captain of Mediterranean migrant death ship in court Colorado pot mom was charged
A teenager jumped out his apartment window while bombed by a pot brownie given to him by his mom. His mother was charged with supplying marijuana to a minor.
READ MORE:Colorado teen jumps from window after mom gives him pot brownie A student sued Columbia over rape claims
After Paul Nungesser was cleared of rape claims, his accuser carried a mattress with her around the campus as a sort of art-protest. He’s suing Columbia University for letting her do it, thereby basically ruining his life. READ MORE:Columbia student accused of rape by mattress-toting girl sues university
While you were sleeping…