Why can’t we just let Carrie Bradshaw retire? – Metro US

Why can’t we just let Carrie Bradshaw retire?

Look. We’re as big of fans of “Sex and the City” as the rest of you. But after witnessing the horror that was “SATC2” (Miranda said: “Abu Dhabi doo!” Really?), why can’t the world just let the beloved franchise retire?

Because there is still money to be milked from this postmenopausal cow, that’s why.

Sources say that executives have finally realized the characters are now closer to Social Security than bar-hopping at this point, so their big idea is a prequel — without Carrie Bradshaw and her friends. “There are no plans to bring [Parker] and the other girls back together in the old format,” a source tells Grazia magazine, explaining that a prequel is in the works. “The prequel is about breathing new life into the story and exploring Carrie’s first few months in NYC and the beginning of her relationship with an older man.”

Although the source said that Blake Lively is in talks for the movie, reportedly entitled “Summer in the City,” her reps say this is “totally false.”

So, what do you think, readers? Would you like to see a “Sex and the City” prequel? If so, who should it star? Write in to let us know.