Yoga post of the week: Sleeping Tortoise – Metro US

Yoga post of the week: Sleeping Tortoise

Each Wednesday here in Metro, as part of our expanded Wellbeing section, we’ll share a top yoga pose from the pros. Why yoga??We love that it’s known to build strength, lower blood pressure and calm the mind, to name just a few of its benefits.

1. Start in a seated position, with your knees out to the sides and the soles of the feet together. Have the heels about a foot away from the groin.

2. Grab the feet from above and reach out under the legs to grab the toes. Take a breath in and let the knees drop.

3. On an exhale, round your spine and pull the head towards the feet. Release the neck and drop the head. Hold this position for about 30 seconds.

4. To come out of the pose, exhale and release the hands and feet. On an inhale, lift the torso up to a sitting position. Use your hands to help you draw your knees back to center.


The movement must come from the hip joint.

Keep the knees as straight as possible.