VIDEO: Women fake multiple orgasms in Katz’s Deli – Metro US

VIDEO: Women fake multiple orgasms in Katz’s Deli

Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal shot one of the most famous scenes in cinema history for “When Harry Met Sally,” when Sally faked an orgasm in Katz’s Deli in New York to prove to Harry that he couldn’t tell the difference between a real and a fake orgasm.

Flashmob group Improv Everywhere returned to the scene of the crime. One pair of actors reenacted the famous scene, wearing the same outfits Harry and Sally wore and carrying on the same conversation. But this time, when Sally began to fake-orgasm, so did 20 other women in the deli, much to the horror and delight of Katz’s customers and employees alike.

Men and women of all ages participated in the wild, over-the-top stunt. Improv Everywhere detailed the process of setting up the flashmob on its site, which was quite complicated and involved lots of planning.

Though a few customers raised their eyebrows and looked annoyed in the video, most of the customers looked like they were having a good time — not least of all the orgasming women.

I’ll have what they’re having.

Follow Andrea Park on Twitter: @andreapark