Will Smith is absolutely not doing the modest celebrity thing – Metro US

Will Smith is absolutely not doing the modest celebrity thing

Will Smith is absolutely not doing the modest celebrity thing
Getty Images

These days more and more celebrities are speaking out about the pitfalls of fame. Justin Bieber is begging his fans to stop screaming for him and Lady Gaga feels lonelier than ever. For these A-listers, being a household name can be a pain. This is not the case for veteran actor Will Smith.

Smith appeared on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Monday night and when asked if he resorts to disguising himself in order to avoid recognition he declared, “No. I want people to recognize me!” Smith loves fame and has used it to his advantage. In a dilemma that his younger “Fresh Prince of Bel-Air” self would have definitely made worse, Smith needed gas and realized he left his wallet at home. Instead of calling his wife, he spotted an unsuspecting fan and borrowed the money from him.

In the same way that Bieber’s modesty is annoying, Will Smith’s arrogance is pleasantly charming.