Crossword puzzle answers: January 14, 2016 – Metro US

Crossword puzzle answers: January 14, 2016

Crossword puzzle answers: January 14, 2016

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Here is the crossword puzzle answer key featured in your Metro newspaper.

ACROSS1 Bunk preference 6 Maine, from Utah 10 Cozy 14 Tara's Scarlett 15 Run words together 16 Comics pooch 17 George Burns prop 18 El --, Texas 19 Soothe 20 Threw a party 22 Got the deck ready 24 Offer 26 Coves 27 Of years past (hyph.) 31 El -- Campeador 32 Enamel 33 Tact, to a diplomat 36 Cold War org. 39 Checkbook no. 40 Melanges 41 Island near Kauai 42 Jamie -- Curtis 43 Enthusiasm 44 Bunnylike 45 Apply makeup 46 Undertook 48 Frothy dessert 51 NFL gains 52 On parade 54 Hidebound 59 Baroness Karen 60 Dreyfus defender 62 Posh hotel lobbies 63 Glut 64 Used thriftily 65 Rhubarb unit 66 Row 67 Ten, in Toledo 68 Caterwauls
DOWN1 -- Lomond 2 Columbus' home 3 Quipsters 4 Was, to Ovid 5 Cheese dish 6 Sixth sense 7 Woe is me! 8 Raw fish dish 9 Drubs 10 Gobbled down 11 Man or woman 12 Rubs the wrong way 13 Canasta play 21 Murky 23 Emulate a hummingbird 25 Mergers and buyouts 27 Fiery gem 28 Add some brandy 29 Mince 30 Explosive letters 34 Roost 35 Like a chimney 36 Marx or Malden 37 Clarified butter 38 Melville's "Billy --" 40 Bigger than normal 41 Wood for floors 43 Nasty cut 44 Sheer joy 45 Prepare to kiss 47 Website clutter 48 African tribe 49 Spout rhetoric 50 Japanese mushroom 52 Refresh the fern 53 Merriment 55 Conductor -- Klemperer 56 Oater challenge 57 Respiratory organ 58 Tibetan oxen 61 Carpentry tool