Chinese horoscope 2015: Find your outlook for the year – Metro US

Chinese horoscope 2015: Find your outlook for the year

Chinese horoscope 2015: Find your outlook for the year

Happy Chinese New Year! Or, xinnian kuaile, as the Chinese say. Find your outlook for the year here, depending on your Chinese zodiac sign. Don’t know your sign? Click here to find out.

Rat 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

Rat has a good sense of humor and has good relationship with others. You are adaptable and often interested in what happens in the society. Be careful of people who are not genuine. Pay attention to your finance and invest with caution. For work, it is important for Rat to stay steady; try to deal with problems rationally and avoid confrontations with others.

Money Management

Rat expects to have a stable financial status in 2015. You need to be very cautious when you invest, especially on investments that require large capitals. Do not get involved in areas you are not familiar with. Always analyze the market thoroughly before you invest.


It is important for Rat to differentiate a good relationship from a bad one. Choose your dating partner carefully. It would be ideal if Rat can find someone considerate and accommodating. For single Rat, it is important to choose the right partner. Otherwise all your efforts tend to end in vain.


You need to pay attention to your health, especially your kidney. You may find yourself tired at times. Try to avoid spicy food and alcohol. Pay attention to your safety when you travel. Try to adjust your spirit level, especially when you are under stress. Staying in the nature is a good way of relaxation.


Rat may find 2015 a challenging year in terms of work. You need to try to avoid arguments or conflicts at work. Try to deal with issues objectively, other than irrationally. Communicate more with your managers. Think carefully before you want to change jobs. Build a good relationship with your colleagues. Seek for others. advice when you encounter problems at work.

Ox 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a prosperous year for Ox. You tend to be resilient and have great capability of dealing with pressure. Ox expects to make progress at work, but you may encounter obstacles at times. And there expects to be lots of competitions at work. On relationship try to avoid quarreling with your partner and do not let others affect your relationship. Pay attention to your health, especially your digestive system.

Money Management

Overall Ox expects to have a stable financial status in 2015. It is wiser to stay discrete, instead of actively seeking for investment opportunities. In the daily life it is good if you can budget and plan your expenditures carefully. For Ox running a business, try to seek for new opportunities for gaining more clients. Avoid investing during the second half of the year.


For Ox in a relationship, it is important to look after your relationship well. You may become doubtful from time to time, especially when you are under stress. Try to look at things from your partner’s perspective. Trust is very important in a relationship. For married Ox, avoid extramarital affairs if you want the marriage to work.


You would need to pay attention to your digestive system. Avoid spicy and deep fried food. Try to do more sports and stay in the nature more. Pay attention to your safety when you travel. Ox also needs to pay attention to any lung problems. Go and see a doctor whenever you feel unwell.


It is important for Ox to stay practical and avoid trying unrealistic ideas in 2015. Try to build a good relationship with your colleagues and spend more time with people who you work with. Control your temper and try to stay easy going. Avoid work overtime as you are prone to making mistakes when you are tired. Stay calm when you are faced with lots of competitions. Think carefully before you make any strategic move.

Tiger 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 is not a good year for Tiger to seek for fame or fortune. It is wiser to stay conservative and avoid changing too many changes. You have great capability of handing pressure. On finance you are likely to face lots of pressure. It is important to make some changes at work in order for your company to stay competitive. Pay attention to your health and be careful when you do sports. Tiger may be impatient and hot tempered from time to time.

Money Management

Tiger expects to have a favorable year in terms of finance in 2015. You need to manage your finance carefully and avoid making errors. It is important to assess risks thoroughly before you enter into a business partnership with someone. Watch out your cash flow.


Tiger expects to have a smooth relationship in 2015. For single Tiger, you expect to meet someone that you really like. The person who you will meet is likely to become your spouse later. It is important to maintain a good balance between your work and relationship.


Tiger expects to enjoy good health in 2015. It is important to keep a positive outlook on life. You may spend lots of time on your work, which may affect your health. It is important to stay active. You need to remember to relax. Try to take participate in outdoors activities. Pay attention your safety when you go out.


Tiger expects to have a prosperous year in terms of work in 2015. You are likely to receive pay rise and promotion this year. Your relationship with your colleagues and managers expects to improve. Try to avoid conflicts with others. Stay sociable and try to maintain your good relationship with others.

Rabbit 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a good year for Rabbit to start a new business. For Rabbit working for others, you may face lots of competitions and find it hard to achieve your goals. Rabbit may become hot tempered and impatient from time to time. It is important to stay calm as your situation is likely to change for better during the second half of the year. Rabbit is likely to spend more money in 2015. Watch out your expense carefully. For married Rabbit, remember to spend time with your family. Stay active and try to do more sports.

Money Management

Rabbit can consider starting a new business in 2015. For Rabbit at work, you expect to face lots of competitions. Overall Rabbit’s finance status is likely to go up and down in 2015. Try to manage your finance carefully and avoid unnecessary expenditures. You may have additional income in summer; try to set aside some of your money for contingency.


Rabbit’s relationship expects to stay stable in 2015. There may be opportunities for single Rabbits to meet a good dating partner. Try to avoid going out with someone who is married. You need to be careful and try to get to know the other person before you commit yourself. Single Rabbit is likely to be pursued by many people in 2015.


Overall Rabbit enjoys good health in 2015. You may need to pay attention to your digestive and nerve systems. Avoid drinking excessively. It is important to keep a balanced diet and avoid spicy or deep fried food. Drink more water and avoid eating too much. Hiking may be a good way for you to improve your health and it is beneficial for you to stay active.


Rabbit expects to face lots of competitions in 2015. You need to avoid being impatient and making unnecessary mistakes. You are likely to face lots of pressure at work. It is maybe a good year for you to start your own business. Stay patient and bide your time. It is important to learn and absorb new experiences.

Dragon 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

Dragon expects to have a harmonious relationship and enjoy good health in 2015. It is a good year for Dragon to consider relocation, marriage, further study or applying for government positions. For married Dragon, it is important for you to spend more time with your partner and children. Avoid drinking excessively. In terms of money, you need to watch out your expense and avoid entering into a business partnership with others.

Money Management

Dragon expects to enjoy a favorable financial status in 2015. Your income is likely to increase during the year. It is important for you to learn how to manage your money effectively. Avoid spending excessively. Dragon should try to avoid investing in stocks or bonds.


Overall Dragon’s relationship expects to stay smooth in 2015. You need to remember to spend more time with your partner and be considerate and compassionate. Avoid applying your work style to your family life; otherwise you may make your partner feel uneasy. Remember family is the foundation of a happy life and a good relationship can contribute greatly to the success of your work or business.


Dragon expects to enjoy good health in 2015, though you need to remember to look after yourself well. Pay attention to your digestive system and avoid drinking or eating excessively. There may be other food that suits you better than barbeque and fast food. It is important to eat more vegetables and fruit. Avoid drinking too much as it may cause you liver problems.


Overall Dragon expects to make progress in terms of career. It is important to keep a positive outlook when you are faced with problems at work. It is also important for you to maintain a good relationship with your partner. Discuss openly with your colleagues if you have different views. It is important to communicate with your manager regularly and gain his or her buy in when you work on a project. Good communication will help you in terms of career development.

Snake 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a stable year for Snake. You may feel troubled by your environment from time to time. It is important to stay patient and bide your time. You need to be careful of people who are not genuine. Snake’s relationship expects to stay solid in 2015, though there may be ups and downs . It is a good year for considering marriage or having a baby. Media, logistics and engineering are good fields for Snake to enter into.

Money Management

Snake may face financial pressure in 2015. You would need to pay attention to your business cash flow. It is a good year to expand your existing business. For Snake working for others, you are likely to receive pay rise and promotion. Avoid investing in bonds or stocks during the second half of the year.


Snake’s relationship may experience up and down in 2015. It is important for you and your partner to work together when there are problems. Try to communicate more otherwise misunderstanding may occur. Follow your intuitions if you are not sure what to do. It is a good year for Snake to get married.


Overall Snake needs to pay attention to season changes. You may have ailments linked to your respiratory system. Go to see a doctor immediately when you feel unwell. Drink in moderation. Pay attention to your safety when you go out. It is important to adjust your spirit level, especially when you are under stress. Sun bathing and physical exercises are good ways to help you relax and keep yourself active.


Snake expects to make lots of progress in 2015. It is important for you to maintain a good relationship with your manager and colleagues. Socialize with your colleagues when you have time. It is important to work as part of a team if you want to make progress. Avoid working overtime as it may affect your work efficiency and effectiveness.

Horse 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a prosperous year for Horse. You expect to win trust from your managers at work and you will have opportunities to achieve your potential. Try to take good care of yourself. Your relationship expects to continue to stay smooth. It is important to balance your work and personal life. Try to spend more time with your family. Pay attention to your digestive system and avoid working too much. You are likely to receive both fame and money. Avoid investing in areas that have high risks.

Money Management

Horse expects to gain both fame and fortune in 2015. Try to invest cautiously and avoid putting too much money on investments with high risks. For Horse running a business, it is important to maintain your client base and manage your company balance sheet well. Avoid investing, if possible, during the second half of the year.


Horse needs to learn how to differentiate a good relationship from a bad one. Always act cautiously if you are unsure. For married Horse, it is important to maintain a good relationship with your partner. For single Horse, it is better to choose someone who is compatible with you. Say no decisively if you do not like someone.


You need to pay attention to your respiratory system and also stay cautious when you go out. It is important to adjust your spirit level, especially when you are faced with lots of pressure at work. Climbing mountains and staying in the sun are good ways for you to stay active. Walking can also help you relax.


Horse expects to stay discrete and cautious in 2015. For Horse working for others, you are likely to receive pay rise and promotion. Try to avoid acting irrationally at work. It is important to maintain a good relationship with your colleagues. Team work can help you achieve your goals much quicker than if you work by yourself. Try to listen to other people’s views more.

Goat 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

Goat expects to stay cautious in 2015. It is important to control your temper otherwise there may be trouble. Your work expects to be quite challenging so it is important to stay patient. You expect to win lots of respect and admirations from people around you in 2015. Try to make decisions rationally. Do not delay dealing with problems.

Money Management

Goat’s financial status expects to be a little unstable. Your financial status is likely to stay favorable at the beginning of the year. Try to avoid investing after summer. It is important to manage your finance well and avoid spending unnecessarily. It is also important to have contingency in place.


Goat expects to spend more time and efforts in order to make the relationship to work. You may be quiet in nature which can make your partner hard to know how you feel. It is important to communicate with your partner. You may also need to control your temper as it may really upset your partner. Try to be more considerate and communicate more with your partner.


Goat expects to do more exercises in 2015. It is better for you to avoid food that is hard to digest and take more vegetables and fruit. Goat should try to avoid smoking or drinking excessively. It is important to stay active and do more physical exercises; otherwise you may have risks of adding on too much weight.


Goat expects to maintain an optimistic outlook in 2015. You may find yourself hesitant from time to time. It is important to maintain your confidence and trust yourself. Try to hang out more with friends who are positive and optimistic. It is important to communicate openly with your colleagues. Your work expects to stay smooth during the first half of the year. You may face more pressure due to the competitions during the second half of the year. It is important to stay positive and patient.

Monkey 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

Overall Money expects to be very active in 2015. You are likely to be allocated more responsibilities at work. It is important for you to adjust yourself in order to perform well. You expect to win lots of respect this year from your manager and colleagues. Money expects to have additional expenditures. It is important to maintain your health by exercising regularly. Try to avoid entering into a business partnership with others in 2015. Pay attention to ailments linked to your feet or hands.

Money Management

Monkey expects to have a steady financial status in 2015. You are likely to receive pay rise. It is important for you to watch out your expenditures. There may be opportunities for Monkey to receive additional income. Your investment in bonds or stocks expects to pay off in 2015.


Monkey expects to have a harmonious relationship in 2015. It is a suitable year for Monkey to get married. For male Monkey, it is important to stay loyal and truthful otherwise your attitude will affect your relationship. For single Monkey, choose carefully and try to avoid seeing too many people at a time.


You expect to pay attention to your health in 2015. Pay attention to your digestive system, especially in summer. Avoid drinking or eating excessively. Take spicy food or cold food in moderation, otherwise it may give you stomachache. Try to set aside time for exercises.


Monkey expects to work with other people collaboratively. You expect to gain lots of respect from your managers and colleagues. It is important to maintain a good relationship with your colleagues. Try to work effectively and avoid working overtime. Try to solve problem creatively and ask for other people’s opinions when you are unsure.

Rooster 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a stable year for Rooster. You should take caution and try not to seek for fame and fortune too hard. Avoid travelling overseas on business if possible. Rooster expects to gain recognition at work. Learn to deal with work pressure in an effective manner. Try to keep a balanced diet routine. Rooster expects to receive lots of additional income in 2015. It is important to stay calm when you are faced with pressure. Rooster expects to make break through at work in 2015.

Money Management

Rooster’s hard work expects to pay off in 2015. You expect to have a favorable financial status thanks to your hard work. You additional income is likely to come from your bonus or investments that you made previously. In summer Rooster should try to spend some time on money management. Try to avoid spending unnecessarily.


2015 expects to be colorful year for Rooster. For single Rooster, you expect to meet someone you really like. It is important to let the past go in order for the new relationship to work. Try to avoid getting married too quickly. It is wiser to get to know the other person first, before you rush into a marriage.


Overall Rooster expects to enjoy good health in 2015. Your pressure at work may affect your appetite and diet routine. It is important to maintain a regular diet routine otherwise it may cause problems to your digestive system. Pay attention to your nutrition and you need to remember that good health is the foundation for many things in life, including the success of your career.


Rooster expects to face lots of pressure at work in 2015. You may find it hard to say no to additional workload. It is important to stay proactive and ask for additional help if you are overloaded. Communicate more with your managers so that you can gain additional supports. Otherwise you are likely to be under constant pressure and stress.

Dog 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

Dog expects to experience ups and downs in 2015. You may find it hard to grasp all the opportunities that come your way and your efforts may not get recognized at work. It is important to stay patient and bide your time. On Relationship, it is important for you to communicate openly with your partner. You need to pay attention to your health and look after your lungs well. Try to manage your finance wisely.

Money Management

Dog need to be cautious in April as there may be occasions that require money. During the first half of the year, it is good time for Dog to make investments. Try to avoid incurring expenses unnecessarily; otherwise you may be in debt during the second half of the year.


For single female Dog, you have opportunities to meet someone that you really like. It is important to communicate more with each other otherwise the relationship may not work. For male Dog, it is important to spend more time with the family so that your partner does not feel neglected. Overall you need to improve your communication skills; otherwise misunderstanding may occur in your relationship.


Dog may have stomach discomfort in April. Try to avoid drinking and eating excessively. It is important for Dog to avoid oily food. Try to stop or avoid smoking excessively. You may also have lung related ailments during the first half of the year. Try to maintain a balanced diet routine and exercise regularly.


For Dog running a business, you are likely to face lots of pressure during the first half of the year. It is important to control your temper so that you do not rush into any decision and make mistakes. Try to analyze your problems rationally and deal with them step by step. Otherwise the mistakes you make will have a negative impact on your future business or career development.

Pig 2015 Outlook

Overall Fortune

2015 expects to be a busy year for Pig. You are likely to face lots of work load in 2015. It is important to stay focused and learn how to work in an effective manner. Your straightforward personality may be misunderstood by others at times. It is important to conquer your laziness and learn how to deal with pressure constructively. In terms of relationship, it is maybe time for you to reveal your true feelings in order for the relationship to move forward.

Money Management

Overall Pig’s financial status expects to go up and down in 2015. It is important to make contingency plans. You need to look at your capability objectively in order to manage your business in a realistic manner. Pig may have opportunities to gain additional income. Overall it is important for Pig to remain discrete before making an investment.


For female Pig you may have lots of criteria when selecting a partner. Try to be more considerate and understanding towards your partner. It is important to learn viewing things from the other person’s perspective. Control your temper otherwise it may cause frictions between you and your partner. For male Pig, it is important to keep a good balance between your work and relationship.


You expect to pay attention to your health in 2015. It is important to maintain a balanced life style; otherwise you may feel fatigue most of the time. Try to avoid drinking excessively otherwise it may affect your liver. Exercise regularly and also try to improve your diet quality. Nutrition is important to maintain your good health.


Pig’s career expects to stay stable in 2015. It is important to communicate more with others who work with you. Try to adhere to regulations and maintain an effective work style. Avoid making trouble or incurring frictions unnecessarily. A good diet will help you improve your efficiency at work. Try to maintain an optimistic outlook on life, no matter how much pressure you are under.

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