Thanks to you for making Metro the fastest-growing newspaper in Boston – Metro US

Thanks to you for making Metro the fastest-growing newspaper in Boston

The readership of Metro Boston soared by an impressive 10 percent in the last year, while its main daily newspaper rivals lost readers, according to recent research.

The survey, by the industry market research company Scarborough Research, showed that Metro Boston reached more than 260,000 adults 18 and older in Boston each weekday.

Meanwhile, the readership of the main daily newspapers in the city both declined year-on-year, the research suggests.

The figures show that Metro reaches more people living or working in Boston proper than the Globe or the Herald, and that Metro reaches more adults in the 18-to-44 age bracket in the Greater Boston area than the Globe or the Herald.

More than half of Metro Boston’s readers — 57 percent — are women, while the median age of all readers is just 35 — an age bracket that is highly attractive to advertisers.

The research provides compelling proof that Metro’s business model is effective for advertisers, said Yggers Morten-sen, CEO and publisher.

“I’m thrilled by these figures, which show just how effective our newspaper is for readers and advertisers, and which are testimony to the effectiveness of our editorial and distribution. We want to give special thanks to our advertising partners and look forward to [continuing] with this success,” he said.

Fun facts about Metro’s readers

More than 23,000 of you had a baby in the last year.

Sam Adams is easily your favorite brew.

That said, you were also partial to a bottle of Corona.

Your favorite bank is the Bank of America, and more than 41,000 of you plan to buy a car in the next year.

25% belong to a health club.

1 in 5 of you went to Europe in the past 3 years.

Metro readers are 44% more likely to change wireless / cell-phone carriers in the past 12 months than the average.

69% have a laptop or notebook, 35% have a smartphone and 15% have a tablet.

—Source: Scarborough R2 2012