Can you really call it a resolution if you’re not resolute? – Metro US

Can you really call it a resolution if you’re not resolute?

Over the next four weeks, fitness clubs across the country will see a dramatic spike in new memberships, as New Year’s resolutions move from thought to deed.

But according to Fitcorp trainer Steve Bergeron, less than 10 percent will still be at it when January melts into February.

Bergeron says patience and planning are the keys to cashing in those good intentions. It’s a New Year’s resolution, after all, not New Overnight.

“Patience is one of the biggest keys,” Bergeron said. “For someone that’s never exercised and is now on a big program, they usually start seeing the results in two months. It’s a lifestyle change, not just coming in and burning some extra calories during the day.”

Along those lines, Bergeron recommends breaking down big-picture goals into smaller, more easily attainable tasks.

“One of the things I use with clients is the ‘goal snowball,’” Bergeron said. “They start out by tackling the smaller goals — get better sleep, eat breakfast, reduce meal portion size, get the workouts in — while maintaining the bigger ones.”

Bergeron also said familiarizing yourself with your new gym surroundings is also vital. Coming in cold can lead to frustration and failure.

“People usually go to the cardio equipment, then leave,” Bergeron said. “They don’t see change and they give up. They should meet first with a trainer and staff, or come with a friend that knows what they’re doing. The biggest thing is researching what you need to do.”