Coffin Dodgers Disco moves to exclude young people – Metro US

Coffin Dodgers Disco moves to exclude young people

The Coffin Dodgers Disco. Credit: Metro World News The Coffin Dodgers Disco.
Credit: Metro World News

If you’re sick of fancy phones, modern slang and spoiled kids with bad manners, then sign up for the Coffin Dodgers Disco in London — nights of entertainment reserved for people over 28. Run by cockney chancers known only as “Don and Reg,” the nights offer refuge for a mature crowd, and “Don” told us he hopes it could kick-start a movement.

Metro: Why do we need this? Are older people an endangered species?

Don: Yes we do, the main thing is demand. Several people suggested events without youngsters around. Clubs have always been for young people and are becoming ever moreso, chasing the cult of youth. We are going to in some way to redress the balance.

With the cut-off age of 28, does that make for a very mixed crowd?

Yes, we have people coming on their 28th birthday and people who are 70. They seem to get along – nobody has been glassed. People in their 30s and 40s have more in common than they would with 18-year-olds. Once you’re at a certain age, you’re better behaved and we tailor the night for that crowd; relaxed, informal, do your own thing.

Do kids sneak in anyway?

They try. Some even shave their heads to look bald, but we check everyone strictly. One kid was standing outside for half an hour complaining about it. People need photo ID and to answer questions like “name three of the England World Cup squad from the 1982 Panini sticker album.”

Can this be part of a wider movement to avoid young people?

Given the demand, I think so. The first three nights have been sold out. Cinemas already do something similar. There should be designated shopping hours without brats. We are open to offers for partnerships.