Crime Stoppers tout Talk-Text-Type – Metro US

Crime Stoppers tout Talk-Text-Type

Texting is the latest crime-fighting weapon.

Crime Stoppers has partnered with Calgary Transit and Calgary police to increase awareness of their Talk-Text-Type initiative. Citizens are now able to text tips to Crime Stoppers in conjunction with web and phone alerts.

A new city bus wrapped in red and black will be dispatched on various city routes, increasing visibility of the program. Instructions on how to use the system are clearly displayed on the side and back.

“We are getting a lot of positive feedback from the public,” said Neil McKendrick, manager of transit planning. “It’s been effective in getting attention.”

The unveiling of the bus coincided with a Crime Stoppers reenactment filming of the vandalism of the Martindale skating rink.

Kelly Jones, Martindale Community Association vice-president, said some of the new immigrants to Calgary are often hesitant to contact police. He believes the choice to text will increase anonymous tipping.