News more surprising than Donald Trump not running for President – Metro US

News more surprising than Donald Trump not running for President

It’s official: Donald Trump is not running for President! As Metro opined almost two months ago, the Donald did not actually want to be President, he just wanted the attention that came from other people thinking he wanted to be President.

Is this the least-surprising news that has ever been put in a headline? Let’s think of stories that would shock us more:

»”Barack Obama to give speech”

»”GOP leaders criticize Obama speech”

»”Car runs red light”

»”Population increasing”

»”Palin’s Facebook post sparks outrage”

»”Taxes too high, say taxpayers”

»”Benefits not enough, say benefits-receivers”

»”Actor: Director was joy to work with”

»”Fans cheer team’s win”

Can you think of any more?